Tri Point Flooring

Fast Hardwood Flooring Installation & Beautiful Hardwood Floor Refinishing

How to Repair Hardwood Floors with Water Damage

How to Repair Hardwood Floors with Water Damage 2560 1707 Roberto

Water damage to hardwood floors can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare. Whether it’s from a burst pipe, a leaky roof, or a spilled glass of water, water can wreak havoc on your beautiful hardwood floors. But don’t panic just yet! There are steps you can take to repair water-damaged hardwood floors and restore them to their original condition. In this article, we will guide you on how to repair hardwood floors with water damage. These tips will help you address the issue effectively and prevent further damage.

Identifying Water Damage on Hardwood Floors

Identifying water damage on hardwood floors is crucial in order to properly repair and restore them. Water damage can occur due to various reasons such as leaks, spills, or flooding. Here are some steps to help you identify water damage on hardwood floors:

1. Visual Inspection

Start by visually inspecting the hardwood floors for any visible signs of water damage. Look for discoloration, warping, or buckling of the wood. Water damage can cause the wood to swell or become discolored, indicating the presence of moisture.

2. Touch Test

Run your hand over the surface of the hardwood floor to assess for water damage and understand how to repair hardwood floors effectively. If it feels damp, sticky, or unusually soft, it is likely that there is water damage. Moisture can seep into the wood and weaken its structure, leading to these changes in texture.

3. Staining or Darkening

Water damage can cause the hardwood floor to develop dark spots or stains. These stains may appear as dark patches or rings on the surface of the wood. If you notice any discoloration, it is a clear indication of water damage.

4. Mold or Mildew Growth

Excessive moisture can create a favorable environment for mold and mildew growth. Look for any signs of mold or mildew on the hardwood floor, such as fuzzy or powdery growth, musty odor, or black spots. These indicate the presence of water damage and require immediate attention.

5. Cupping or Crowning

Cupping occurs when the edges of the hardwood floorboards are higher than the center, creating a concave shape, highlighting the importance of understanding how to repair hardwood floors. Crowning, conversely, entails the center of the boards being higher than the edges. Both cupping and crowning are common signs of water damage, indicating that moisture has affected the wood and emphasizing the need for proper repair techniques.

how to repair hardwood floors

Repairing Hardwood Floors with Water Damage

How to repair hardwood floors with water damage? It can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it is definitely doable. Here are some steps to help you get started:

1. Assess the damage

Before you begin any repairs, you need to assess the extent of the water damage to hardwood floors. Look for signs of discoloration, warping, or buckling in the affected area. This will help you determine the best course of action for how to repair hardwood floors effectively.

2. Dry the area

How to repair hardwood floors with water damage? The first step in repairing water-damaged hardwood floors is to dry out the affected area. Use fans, dehumidifiers, and open windows to promote airflow and speed up the drying process. Make sure to remove any standing water and dry the area thoroughly.

3. Sand the damaged area

Once the floor is dry, you’ll need to sand down the damaged area. Use medium-grit sandpaper to remove any rough or uneven surfaces caused by the water damage. Be careful not to sand too aggressively, as this can further damage the wood.

4. Replace damaged boards

If the water damage to hardwood floors is severe and has caused irreparable damage to the boards, you’ll need to replace them as part of how to repair hardwood floors effectively. Carefully remove the damaged boards using a pry bar and replace them with new ones of the same size and type.

5. Refinish the floor

After replacing any damaged boards, part of how to repair hardwood floors effectively involves refinishing the entire floor to ensure a seamless look. Sand the entire floor using fine-grit sandpaper to create a smooth surface. Then, apply a new coat of stain and finish to match the rest of the floor.

6. Prevent future water damage

To avoid future water damage and ensure the long-term integrity of your hardwood floors, it’s essential to address the root cause as part of how to repair hardwood floors effectively. Identify and fix any leaks or sources of moisture that may have caused the damage. Additionally, consider using rugs or mats in high-risk areas, such as near sinks or entryways, to provide an extra layer of protection for the hardwood floors.

Taking preventive measures to avoid future water damage

Prevention is always better than cure, especially when it comes to water damage on hardwood floors. Taking some preventive measures can help you avoid future water damage and keep your floors in great condition. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Use area rugs and mats

To safeguard your hardwood floors from water damage, a key component of understanding how to repair hardwood floors effectively is placing absorbent rugs or mats in areas prone to water exposure, such as near sinks, refrigerators, and entryways. These protective measures help absorb any spills or drips, preventing them from reaching the hardwood floor and minimizing the risk of

2. Wipe up spills immediately

Accidents happen, but it’s essential to act quickly when a spill occurs. Use a soft cloth or paper towel to wipe up any liquid as soon as possible. This will prevent the water from seeping into the wood and causing damage.

3. Seal gaps and cracks

Inspect your hardwood floors regularly for any gaps or cracks, a vital aspect of knowing how to repair hardwood floors effectively. These openings can allow water to seep through and cause damage. To prevent water infiltration, fill them with wood filler or caulk, ensuring a seamless surface and minimizing the risk of water damage.

4. Use protective finishes

Applying a protective finish, such as polyurethane or wax, can create a barrier between the hardwood and any potential water damage. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and reapply the finish as needed.

5. Install proper drainage systems

In areas prone to water exposure, such as basements or laundry rooms, it’s crucial to have proper drainage systems in place to prevent water damage and understand how to repair hardwood floors effectively. This proactive measure helps divert water away from your hardwood floors, reducing the risk of damage and the need for extensive repairs.

Hiring a Professional for Complex Repairs

When it comes to complex repairs for hardwood floors with water damage, knowing how to repair hardwood floors becomes crucial. Hiring a professional is highly recommended in such cases. Their expertise, access to specialized tools, and ability to source quality materials ensure a successful and long-lasting repair. 

Additionally, professionals typically have insurance coverage, providing peace of mind to homeowners. Overall, relying on professionals for complex repairs ensures a stress-free experience and the restoration of your hardwood floors to their former glory.


Don’t let water damage bring you down when it comes to your hardwood floors. With these simple steps and a little bit of effort, you can restore your floors to their former glory. Remember, prevention is key, so be sure to address any water issues promptly and take the necessary precautions to protect your floors in the future. Your beautiful hardwood floors will thank you!

If you do not want to tackle the job yourself and are looking for an expert, Tri Point Flooring is a great option. Our team of experienced professionals can help you tackle any hardwood floor repair or installation project. Contact us today for more information.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Hardwood Floors

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Hardwood Floors 2560 1707 Roberto

Are you considering installing hardwood floors in your home? It can be a beautiful and durable flooring option that adds value to your property. However, without proper installation, you could end up with a costly and frustrating mistake. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors and provide you with expert tips and guidance to help you achieve a flawless installation.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Hardwood Floors

1. Not Measuring the Space Correctly

When it comes to installing hardwood floors, precision is key. You need to accurately measure the length and width of the room, taking into account any irregularities such as alcoves or closets. It’s also important to measure the height of the space, including any doorways or transitions, to ensure that your hardwood flooring will fit properly. One of the common mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors is neglecting these detailed measurements, which can lead to improper fitting and a less professional finish. Ensuring you take the time to measure correctly will help you steer clear of these pitfalls and achieve a seamless installation.

By not measuring the space correctly, you may end up with flooring that doesn’t fit properly or leaves unsightly gaps at the edges. This not only compromises the aesthetics of your floor but can also affect its durability and longevity. Ill-fitting flooring can lead to issues such as warping, buckling, or uneven wear over time.

Mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors are made right the first time, preserving both the beauty and integrity of your floors for years to come.

2. Choosing the Wrong Type of Hardwood Flooring

When installing hardwood floors, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes that can lead to disappointment in the final result. One such mistake is not considering the different types of hardwood available. There are various species of hardwood, such as oak, maple, and walnut, each with its own unique characteristics and appearance. It’s essential to research and understand the qualities of each type of wood to ensure it aligns with your desired aesthetic and performance requirements.

Another mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors is overlooking the different finishes available. Hardwood floors can be finished with different coatings, such as oil-based or water-based polyurethane, each affecting the appearance, maintenance, and durability of the floor differently. Each finish has its pros and cons, so it’s important to consider factors such as ease of maintenance, desired sheen level, and the level of protection needed.

3. Skipping the Acclimation Process

When hardwood flooring is manufactured, it is typically stored in a controlled environment where the temperature and humidity levels are carefully regulated. However, the conditions in the room where the flooring will be installed may be different. If the hardwood flooring is not given enough time to acclimate to the new environment, it can lead to a variety of problems down the line. One of the critical mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors is skipping the acclimation process, as this can result in issues like warping or gaps, compromising the integrity and appearance of your flooring.

Skipping the acclimation process can result in issues such as warping, buckling, or gaps in the flooring. This is because wood is a natural material that expands and contracts with changes in temperature and humidity. If the flooring is not allowed to adjust to the room’s conditions, it may expand or contract after installation, causing these problems.

4. Not Preparing the Subfloor Properly

Before installing hardwood floors, it is essential to ensure that the subfloor is clean, dry, and level. Any mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors process can lead to issues later on. For instance, any dirt, debris, or moisture on the subfloor can affect the adhesion and stability of the hardwood planks. Therefore, it is vital to thoroughly clean the subfloor, removing any dust, dirt, or loose particles. Additionally, if there are any signs of moisture or dampness, it is crucial to address the issue before proceeding with the installation.

Furthermore, it is important to check the level of the subfloor. Uneven subfloors can cause the hardwood planks to warp or buckle over time. This is a mistake many overlook. To ensure a level surface, you can use a straightedge or a laser level to identify any high or low spots. If necessary, you may need to use a leveling compound to correct any uneven areas. Taking care to avoid these mistakes ensures a smoother installation process and enhances the longevity of your hardwood floors.

5. Neglecting to Use Moisture Barriers

Mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors are critical for flooring, preventing moisture from reaching the hardwood planks. Typically made of materials like plastic or asphalt felt paper, they inhibit moisture from passing through.

Failure to install moisture barriers can result in costly damage to your hardwood floors. It is a crucial step in the installation process that should not be overlooked. By taking the time to install a moisture barrier correctly, you create a barrier that prevents moisture from reaching the hardwood planks, thus protecting your investment and ensuring the longevity of your hardwood floors. Taking this precautionary measure can save you from potential headaches and expenses in the future.

6. Failing to Leave Expansion Gaps

Mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors are crucial in adequate expansion gaps. Hardwood is a natural material prone to expansion and contraction with changes in temperature and humidity. Failure to leave gaps around the perimeter of the room and at transitions can lead to serious issues such as buckling or warping over time.

To prevent these problems, it’s essential to ensure there is a gap of at least 1/4 inch between the hardwood flooring and the walls or any fixed objects. This gap provides the necessary room for the wood to expand and contract freely, maintaining the integrity of the floor and preventing damage. Among the common mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors is neglecting to incorporate these expansion gaps, which is a critical step to ensure the longevity and stability of your hardwood flooring.

7.  Not Using the Correct Tools or Techniques

Mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors are crucial and can lead to disastrous results. Using the wrong tools or techniques can result in costly errors and a less-than-ideal outcome. For instance, failing to properly acclimate the hardwood to the room’s humidity and temperature before installation can cause buckling or warping over time. Similarly, neglecting to ensure a level subfloor or improperly staggering the boards can result in unsightly gaps or an uneven surface.

Therefore, it’s essential to utilize the correct tools such as a tape measure, chalk line, miter saw, coping saw, pneumatic flooring nailer, and flooring stapler, and to follow precise techniques to achieve a flawless hardwood floor installation.

8. Skipping the Steps of Sanding and Buffing

Sanding and buffing the hardwood floors before installation ensures that the surface is smooth, even, and free from any imperfections. It helps to remove any rough patches, scratches, or stains on the wood, creating a clean and flawless base for the flooring. One of the critical mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors is skipping this step, as it ensures a high-quality finish and a visually appealing final result.

By skipping this step, you are compromising the overall appearance and quality of your hardwood floors. Without sanding and buffing, the imperfections and blemishes on the wood will become more apparent once the floors are installed. This can significantly diminish the aesthetic appeal of your flooring and leave you disappointed with the final result. Among the crucial mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors is neglecting the sanding and buffing process, as it ensures a smooth and flawless finish, enhancing the beauty and longevity of your flooring.

9. Rushing the Installation Process

One of the critical mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors is rushing the installation process. Hardwood floors demand precision and attention to detail to ensure proper alignment, leveling, and secure attachment. If you rush through the process, you risk ending up with uneven floors, gaps, buckling, or insufficient attachment to the subfloor. These issues not only detract from the appearance but also pose safety hazards and may lead to costly repairs or replacements in the future.

Moreover, rushing the installation process can lead to neglecting essential preparation steps. Before installing hardwood floors, it’s crucial to adequately prepare the subfloor by cleaning it, removing existing flooring materials, and ensuring it’s level and moisture-free. Rushing through these preparations is one of the common mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors, as it can result in adhesion problems, moisture damage, or even voiding the warranty on your hardwood flooring. Therefore, it’s vital to take your time and meticulously follow each step to achieve a flawless hardwood floor installation.

10. Not Hiring a Professional Installer

While professional installers offer expertise and experience in hardwood floor installation, it’s essential to recognize common mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors ensuring a successful outcome. DIYers should be aware that improper installation techniques, such as overlooking uneven subfloors or challenging room layouts, can lead to subpar results. Additionally, failing to utilize the correct tools and techniques may result in misaligned, uneven, or insecure flooring.

Furthermore, DIYers should be cautious about the quality of materials and equipment they use. Opting for low-quality materials or inadequate tools can compromise the integrity of the installation and may lead to premature wear or damage. Among the common mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors is choosing subpar materials or tools, as this can result in a less durable and aesthetically pleasing outcome. Therefore, it’s crucial for both professionals and DIYers to prioritize precision, proper techniques, and quality materials to achieve durable and visually appealing hardwood floors.

Tri Point Flooring is a trusted provider of hardwood flooring installation services in the North Carolina area. We provide top-notch craftsmanship and quality materials, ensuring that your floors are installed to last. One of the key mistakes to avoid when installing hardwood floors is cutting corners with materials and techniques, which is why we prioritize excellence in every aspect of our work. Contact us today for more information!

Top 5 Benefits of Choosing Hardwood Floors for Your Home

Top 5 Benefits of Choosing Hardwood Floors for Your Home 2560 1707 Roberto

Are you considering replacing the flooring in your home? If so, you might be overwhelmed by the multitude of options available. However, one choice that stands out for its timeless beauty, durability, and versatility is hardwood floors.

In this article, we will explore the various benefits of choosing hardwood floors for your home, from their natural beauty to their durability and ease of maintenance. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of why hardwood floors are an excellent choice for enhancing the overall value and ambiance of your home.

1. Hardwood Floors Add Value to Your Home.

One of the major benefits of choosing hardwood floors for your home is that they add significant value to your property. Hardwood floors are highly sought after by homebuyers and are considered a luxury feature that can increase the resale value of your home.

Compared to other flooring options such as carpet or laminate, hardwood floors have a timeless appeal and provide a sense of elegance and sophistication. Potential buyers are often willing to pay a premium price for homes with hardwood floors, making it a worthwhile investment.

2. The Benefits of Choosing Hardwood Floors are Durable and Long-lasting.

The Benefits of Choosing Hardwood Floors for Your Home

Unlike other flooring options like carpet or laminate, the benefits of choosing hardwood floors can withstand heavy foot traffic and last for decades with proper care and maintenance.

Hardwood floors are made from high-quality, solid wood that can handle the wear and tear of everyday life. They are resistant to scratches, stains, and dents, making them ideal for homes with children or pets. Even if you accidentally drop something heavy or sharp, the chances of it causing significant damage to your hardwood floor are minimal. It could take time before you actually have to replace them.

3. Hardwood Floors Create a Timeless and Classic Look.

The beauty of hardwood floors lies in their natural warmth and character. Each hardwood plank has its own unique grain patterns, knots, and colors, making every floor one-of-a-kind. This natural variation not only adds visual interest but also adds depth and personality to your home.

Hardwood floors have been used in homes for centuries, and their popularity has remained constant throughout the years. This is because hardwood floors add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room, whether it’s a cozy living room, a formal dining area, or a charming bedroom.

4. Hardwood Floors are Easy to Clean and Maintain.

Cleaning hardwood floors is effortlessly simple, thanks to their unique properties that resist trapping dirt, dust, or allergens, setting them apart from other flooring options. A mere sweep with a broom or a swift vacuuming session is typically all that’s required to eliminate surface debris. For a more thorough clean, a quick pass with a damp mop or cloth using a mild cleaning solution swiftly tackles stains or spills, showcasing yet another benefits of choosing hardwood floors for your home.

In terms of maintenance, hardwood floors require minimal upkeep. They do not need to be replaced or repaired as frequently as other flooring options. If scratches or scuffs do appear, they can often be easily sanded down and refinished to restore their original appearance.

5. Hardwood Floors are Versatile and Can Complement any Design Style.

Hardwood floors offer an extensive array of colors, grains, and finishes, providing you with the flexibility to select the ideal option that aligns with your desired design aesthetic. This versatility is a key benefits of choosing hardwood floors for your home. For those seeking a rustic or farmhouse vibe, wide-planked hardwood with a distressed or hand-scraped finish embodies charm and character. Conversely, for a contemporary and sleek ambiance, a smooth and glossy hardwood in a lighter tone exudes modern elegance, showcasing the adaptability of hardwood floors to complement any style preference.

Tri Point Flooring is the perfect place to find hardwood flooring for your home. We have a wide selection of high-quality and stylish options that will fit any budget and design preference. Discover yourself the benefits of choosing hardwood floors. Contact us today to learn more!

The Ultimate Guide: How is Hardwood Floor Installed Efficiently?

The Ultimate Guide: How is Hardwood Floor Installed Efficiently? 8000 5333 Roberto

Hardwood floors are a beautiful and timeless addition to any home. But have you ever wondered how is hardwood floor installed? If you’re considering installing hardwood floors in your own home, it’s important to understand the process and the steps involved.

Installing hardwood floors is a step-by-step process that requires careful planning and precision. Here is a breakdown of how hardwood floors are typically installed:

1. Prepare the Subfloor

How is Hardwood Floor Installed

The subfloor should be clean, stable, flat, and level in order to ensure that the hardwood flooring is properly installed. If there are any signs of water damage or rot in the subfloor, it should be repaired before installation begins. The subfloor should also be free of dirt, dust, and debris. In some cases, it may be necessary to level the surface by applying a self-leveling compound. It’s also important to check for moisture levels and make sure they are within the acceptable range. Understanding these steps is crucial when learning how is hardwood floor installed.

2. Acclimate the Wood

It is also important to acclimate the wood. This means that the flooring should be placed in the room where it will be installed for at least three days prior to laying it down. Acclimation helps ensure that the wood is properly adapted to the environment so that it isn’t significantly affected by changes in temperature and humidity. If the wood is not acclimated, it could expand and contract too much, causing gaps or warping.

3. Lay the Underlayment

Once the subfloor is prepped and the wood has been acclimated, it is time to lay down the underlayment. This is a thin layer of material that provides a layer of cushioning between the wood and the subfloor. It also helps to absorb any moisture in order to prevent any damage to the hardwood flooring. Understanding the role of underlayment is an important step in learning how is hardwood floor installed.

4. Plan the Layout

The next step in installing hardwood floors is to plan the layout of the flooring. This involves deciding where each board will be placed, as well as determining if any special patterns or designs should be incorporated into the installation. This step is crucial in order to ensure that all pieces fit together perfectly and that there are no gaps or uneven areas. Be sure to measure twice and cut once when planning the layout. This meticulous planning is a key aspect of understanding how is hardwood floor installed.

5. Install the First Row

Once the layout has been planned, it is time to install the first row of flooring. The first row should be laid along an exterior wall in order to ensure that the boards will line up correctly. It is important to use a level and tape measure when installing this first row to make sure that it is even and straight. Once the first row is installed, it should be nailed or glued down according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This process is a fundamental part of understanding how is hardwood floor installed.

6. Continue Installation

After the first row has been installed, the next row of flooring should be placed directly next to it. Each board should be nailed or glued down according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and a level should be used to ensure that each board is even and straight. As more rows are added, spacers can be used to maintain a consistent gap between each board. This step-by-step process illustrates how is hardwood floor installed.

7. Trim and Cut

After the flooring is installed, it will be necessary to trim and cut the boards in order to fit around obstacles such as door frames, radiators, and other fixtures. It is important to use a jigsaw or circular saw for this step-in order to ensure clean lines and accurate cuts. Once all of the boards have been trimmed, any excess pieces should be removed and disposed of. This trimming and cutting process is a crucial aspect of understanding how is hardwood floor installed.

8. Install the Last Row

The last row of hardwood flooring should be installed in the same manner as the previous rows. Once the last piece is in place, it should be nailed or glued down according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Spacers can also be used to maintain a consistent gap between each board and ensure that the boards line up correctly. Finally, a flush-cut trim saw should be used to trim off any excess material.

9. Finish the Edges

How is hardwood floor installed? Once all of the boards have been installed, it is important to finish the edges. This can be done by using a trim saw or router to create a smooth edge along the perimeter of the flooring. Be sure to use caution when completing this step as it is easy to make mistakes that could damage your hardwood flooring. Once all of the edges have been finished, the floor is now ready to be sanded and sealed.

10. Sand and Finish

How is hardwood floor installed? The final step in installing hardwood flooring is to sand and finish the boards. This is an important step as it will help to protect the wood and give it a beautiful, smooth finish. Before sanding, be sure to remove any debris or dirt from the flooring using a vacuum and broom. Once the surface is clean, use a belt sander to sand the boards until they are smooth. Once the boards have been sanded, they should be sealed according to manufacturer instructions.

If you are still unsure of the answer to the question, “How is hardwood floor installed”, Tri Point Flooring is your trusted source. Our experienced installers have years of experience and will ensure that your hardwood floors are installed correctly and with precision. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Top 10 Helpful Tips for Maintaining and Caring for Hardwood Floors

Top 10 Helpful Tips for Maintaining and Caring for Hardwood Floors 2560 1707 Roberto

Hardwood floors are a beautiful and timeless addition to any home. However, they require regular maintenance and care to keep them looking their best. If you want to ensure the longevity and beauty of your hardwood floors, then you need to know the top tips for maintaining and caring for them. In this article, we will share the top tips for maintaining and caring for hardwood floors, so you can enjoy their beauty and durability for years to come.

1. Clean and Sweep Hardwood Floors Regularly.

Top 10 Tips for Maintaining and Caring for Hardwood Floors

Cleaning and sweeping hardwood floors regularly are among the most important steps in preserving the beauty of these floors. Regular cleaning and sweeping help remove dirt, dust, and debris that can scratch and dull the surface of your hardwood floors. For maintaining and caring for hardwood floors, it is recommended to sweep, or dust mop your floors at least once a day or as needed, depending on the amount of foot traffic in your home.

When sweeping, use a soft-bristle broom or a microfiber dust mop to gently remove loose dirt and dust. Avoid using vacuums with beater bars or hard bristle attachments, as they can cause scratches on the surface of your floors. In addition to regular sweeping, it is important to clean your hardwood floors using the appropriate cleaning products. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the finish of your floors. Instead, opt for a pH-neutral hardwood floor cleaner that is specifically designed for use on hardwood surfaces.

2. Choose and Place the Right Furniture.

To keep maintaining and caring for hardwood floors, go for furniture with soft padding or felt pads on the bottom of the legs. This will prevent scratches and minimize the impact on your hardwood floors. Avoid furniture with metal or hard plastic feet, as they can easily scrape and leave marks on the floor. Also make sure that the furniture is not too heavy for the floor, which can cause dents and other damage.

In addition to choosing the right furniture, proper placement is also crucial. Avoid dragging or sliding furniture across your hardwood floors, as this can cause scratches and wear down the finish. Instead, lift the furniture when moving it and use furniture sliders or mats to protect your floors.

3. Use Area Rugs and Mats to Protect Your Floors.

Area rugs and mats act as a barrier between your hardwood floors and the outside elements. They can trap dirt, debris, and moisture that may otherwise be tracked onto your floors, causing damage over time. By placing a mat at the entrance of your home or in front of frequently used doors, you can prevent dirt and moisture from being brought onto your hardwood floors.

In addition to protecting against dirt and moisture, maintaining and caring for hardwood floors involves utilizing area rugs and mats to provide cushioning and support. These rugs and mats can absorb the impact of footsteps and furniture, reducing the risk of scratches and dents on your flooring. When choosing area rugs and mats, opt for ones with non-slip backings to ensure they stay in place and do not cause any accidents.

4. Choose the Right Shoes for Your Floors.

Avoid shoes with heels or hard soles. High heels can dig into the wood and leave unsightly marks, while hard-soled shoes can cause scratches and dents. Choose shoes with rubber or soft-soled bottoms instead. These types of shoes provide better traction and are less likely to cause any damage to your floors.

Another essential aspect of maintaining and caring for hardwood floors is ensuring the cleanliness of your shoes. Make it a habit to keep your shoes clean and free from any dirt or debris that could potentially be tracked onto your flooring. Even small rocks, sand, or dirt particles can act like sandpaper, causing scratches with every step. Therefore, regularly clean the soles of your shoes and remove any dirt before walking on your hardwood floors.

5. Keep Pets’ Nails Trimmed for Hardwood Floor Protection.

Long nails can easily scratch and gouge the surface of your hardwood floors, leaving unsightly marks that are difficult to repair. Regularly trimming your pet’s nails will prevent these scratches from occurring in the first place. It is recommended to trim your pets’ nails every 4-6 weeks, or as needed based on their individual nail growth.

In addition to maintaining and caring for hardwood floors, trimming your pets’ nails is crucial. Trimmed nails not only prevent scratches but also provide better traction for your pets. Long nails can cause them to slip and slide on hardwood floors, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries. By keeping their nails at an appropriate length, you can ensure their safety and prevent any unnecessary incidents.

6. Limit Sun Exposure.

To limit sun exposure, you can start by using curtains, blinds, or shades to block direct sunlight from entering the room during peak hours of the day. This will help reduce the amount of UV rays that reach your floors and minimize the risk of fading.

Furthermore, as part of maintaining and caring for hardwood floors, you can consider applying UV-protective film or tint to your windows. These films effectively filter out harmful UV rays while still allowing natural light to illuminate the room. Easy to install, they offer long-lasting protection for your hardwood floors against potential sun damage.

7. Protect Your Floors Against Moisture and Water Damage.

Maintaining and caring for hardwood floors involves safeguarding them against moisture, which can lead to warping, cupping, buckling, and discoloration. To protect your hardwood floors from water damage, it’s crucial to keep moisture levels low within your home. Achieve this by employing a dehumidifier or air conditioner and ensuring the area surrounding the floors remains dry and free from spills or leaks.

In addition to controlling moisture levels, it’s also important to clean up water quickly if any spills occur. Maintaining and caring for hardwood floors means blotting up excess water with a cloth and using a vacuum cleaner to remove any standing liquid. Also, make sure to check for and repair any leaks or cracks in your foundation that may allow moisture into your home.

8. Refinish and Seal Your Hardwood Floors as Needed.

Proper maintaining and caring for hardwood floors is crucial to preserving their beauty over the years. Among the essential tasks in maintaining and caring for hardwood floors is the periodic refinishing and sealing as needed. These processes not only safeguard the wood from scratches, stains, and other damage but also impart a renewed layer of shine, enhancing its overall appearance and longevity.

Refinishing involves sanding down the top layer of wood and then reapplying a fresh coat of sealant. Sealing helps protect the hardwood from daily wear and tear, as well as moisture. Have your floors professionally refinished and sealed every few years to ensure they remain in great condition for years to come.

9. Inspect for Signs of Damage and Address Them Promptly.

Your hardwood floors are undoubtedly a wonderful addition to your home, but they do require consistent maintenance and care to maintain their pristine appearance. One of the most crucial aspects of maintaining and caring for hardwood floors is conducting regular inspections for signs of damage and promptly addressing any issues. Even minor damage, if left unchecked, can escalate into significant and costly repairs.

During your inspections, be vigilant for scratches, dents, or discoloration. Maintaining and caring for hardwood floors is crucial; should you detect any damage, it’s imperative to reach out to a professional hardwood flooring specialist promptly. They can assess the situation and recommend the best course of action to ensure the continued beauty of your floors.

10. Hire Professionals for Maintenance and Refinishing.

While some simple cleaning tasks can be done at home with minimal effort, investing in professional help when it comes to maintenance and refinishing your hardwood floors is the best way to ensure that they remain in excellent condition for years.

When maintaining and caring for hardwood floors, it’s crucial to entrust the refinishing and resealing process to experienced professionals. They possess the expertise to inspect for signs of damage, recommend any required repairs, and guide you in selecting the appropriate products and techniques to ensure your floors retain their optimal appearance.

Tri Point Flooring is a great option for those in the Wake County looking for professionals who can help with maintaining and caring for hardwood floors. Give us a call today to learn more about what we offer!

What is The Difference Between Engineered and Solid Hardwood Floors?

What is The Difference Between Engineered and Solid Hardwood Floors? 2560 1707 Roberto

Are you considering installing hardwood floors in your home, but you’re unsure whether to choose engineered or solid hardwood? Well, you’re not alone. Many homeowners struggle with this decision, as both options have their pros and cons. But fear not, because in this article, we will break down the difference between engineered and solid hardwood floors, helping you make an informed decision that best suits your needs and preferences.

What is the Main Difference Between Engineered and Solid Hardwood Floors?

When it comes to choosing between engineered and solid hardwood floors, it’s important to understand the main differences between the two. While both options provide the beauty and warmth of real wood, they have distinct characteristics that set them apart.

1. Construction

Solid hardwood floors are made from a single piece of solid wood. Each plank is typically made from a hardwood species, such as oak, maple, or cherry, and is milled to a specific thickness. The planks are then installed by nailing or stapling them to a subfloor. Solid hardwood floors are known for their durability and longevity, and they can be sanded and refinished multiple times to restore their original beauty.

On the other hand, engineered hardwood floors are constructed using multiple layers of wood. The top layer, also known as the wear layer, is made from a hardwood veneer. This layer gives engineered hardwood its authentic appearance and can be made from various wood species. Beneath the wear layer, there are several layers of plywood or high-density fiberboard (HDF) that are stacked in a cross-grain pattern.

2. Installation Method

Engineered and Solid hardwood floors are typically installed using the nail-down method. This involves nailing each individual plank directly to the subfloor. This installation method requires a plywood or wooden subfloor and is not suitable for concrete or radiant heating systems. 

The nail-down method provides a secure and stable installation, but it can be more time-consuming and labor-intensive. While solid hardwood floors are often preferred for their durability and classic appeal, engineered hardwood floors offer greater versatility and can sometimes be installed using alternative methods suitable for different types of subfloors.

3. Durability

Solid hardwood floors are known for their exceptional durability. They can withstand heavy foot traffic and are less prone to scratches and dents compared to engineered hardwood floors. With proper maintenance and care, solid hardwood floors can last for generations and can be sanded and refinished multiple times to restore their original beauty.

Engineered hardwood floors offer good durability as well, but not to the same extent as solid hardwood floors. The top layer of engineered hardwood is made from real wood, providing a natural and authentic appearance. However, the lower layers are made from plywood or high-density fiberboard (HDF), which may not be as durable as solid wood.

4. Cost

The Difference Between Engineered and Solid Hardwood Floors Solid hardwood floors tend to be more expensive upfront compared to engineered hardwood floors. This is primarily due to the difference in construction and the quality of materials used.  The manufacturing process is more intricate, and the higher quality of wood used contributes to the higher cost.

Conversely, engineered hardwood is made up of several layers of wood, with a top layer of real hardwood veneer and lower layers of plywood or high-density fiberboard (HDF). This construction method allows for greater stability and resistance to moisture, making it a more cost-effective option. The use of less expensive materials in the lower layers helps to reduce the overall cost of engineered hardwood.

5. Aesthetics

Solid hardwood floors have a timeless and traditional appeal. They are made from a single piece of solid wood, which gives them a rich and authentic look. The natural variations in grain patterns, color, and texture create a unique and warm atmosphere in any room. Solid hardwood floors can be sanded and refinished multiple times, allowing you to change the stain or finish to match your evolving style preferences.

As compared to solid hardwood floors, engineered hardwood floors offer a wider range of options when it comes to aesthetics. They consist of multiple layers of wood, with a top layer of real hardwood veneer. Engineered hardwood is available in various wood species, finishes, and plank sizes, allowing for greater versatility in design.

Is Maintenance and Care Also Important in Choosing Between the Two?

Yes, maintenance and care are also important factors to consider when choosing between engineered and solid hardwood floors. While both types of flooring require regular upkeep to ensure their longevity and beauty, there are some differences in the maintenance requirements.

Solid hardwood floors are more susceptible to moisture and temperature changes, which can cause the wood to expand or contract. As a result, they require more stringent maintenance measures to prevent warping or cupping. It is crucial to avoid excessive moisture exposure and to promptly clean up any spills to prevent damage to the wood.

On the other hand, engineered hardwood floors are more resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations due to their layered construction. This makes them a better choice for areas with high humidity or below-grade installations. While engineered hardwood floors still require regular cleaning and maintenance, they are generally more forgiving when it comes to moisture-related issues.

What should you choose between the two?

When it comes to choosing between engineered and solid hardwood floors, there are a few factors to consider. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it ultimately depends on your personal preferences and needs.

To decide which option is right for you, consider factors such as the location of the flooring, the level of foot traffic, and your budget. If you are installing the flooring in a basement or a bathroom where moisture is a concern, engineered hardwood floors may be the better choice. However, if you prioritize durability and the ability to refinish the floors in the future, solid hardwood floors may be the way to go.

Ultimately, the decision between engineered and solid hardwood floors depends on your specific needs and preferences. Take the time to research and compare the options, and consult with a flooring professional if needed, to ensure that you make the right choice for your home.

If you need help deciding between engineered and solid hardwood floors, Tri Point Flooring is here to help. Our experienced professionals can provide you with the information and advice you need to make the best decision for your home. Contact us today to get started.

How to Choose the Best Finish for Your Hardwood Floors

How to Choose the Best Finish for Your Hardwood Floors 2560 1440 Roberto

Are you in the process of renovating your home or installing new hardwood floors? If so, one important decision you’ll need to make is to choose the best finish for your hardwood floors. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to determine which finish is best for your hardwood floors. Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or a seasoned home renovation enthusiast, read on to discover the secrets to choosing the best finish for your hardwood floors.

What Should You Understand About the Different Types of Hardwood Floor Finishes?

How to Choose the Best Finish for Your Hardwood Floors

When it comes to choosing the best finish for your hardwood floors, understanding the different types of finishes available is crucial. Each type of finish has its own unique characteristics and benefits. Here are a few key things you should understand about the different types of hardwood floor finishes:

1. Polyurethane Finish

This is the most common type of finish used on hardwood floors. It comes in two varieties: oil-based and water-based. Polyurethane finishes provide a durable and protective layer that helps to resist scratches, stains, and moisture. They also come in different sheen levels, ranging from glossy to matte.

2. Wax Finish

Wax finishes offer a traditional and natural look to hardwood floors. They provide a soft, low-sheen appearance and can be easily maintained by reapplying wax periodically. However, wax finishes are not as durable as polyurethane finishes and may require more frequent maintenance.

3. Oil Finish

Oil finishes penetrate into the wood, enhancing its natural beauty and providing a matte or satin sheen. They are typically made from natural oils and waxes, offering a more environmentally friendly option. Oil finishes require regular maintenance and reapplication to keep the wood protected and looking its best.

4. UV-Cured Finish

This type of finish is cured instantly using ultraviolet light. It provides a strong and durable protective layer that is resistant to scratches and fading. UV-cured finishes are commonly used in commercial settings due to their fast curing time and high durability.

5. Varnish Finish

Varnish finishes are similar to polyurethane finishes but tend to have a higher gloss level. They offer excellent protection against wear and tear, making them a popular choice for high-traffic areas. Varnish finishes can be oil-based or water-based, providing options for different preferences and environmental considerations.

What are the Factors to Consider When Choosing a Finish for Different Wood Species?

When choosing the best finish for your hardwood floors, it’s important to consider the specific wood species you are working with. Different wood species have unique characteristics that can affect how a finish will look and perform. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a finish for different wood species:

1. Wood grain and color

Each wood species has its own distinct grain pattern and color. Some species, like oak or hickory, have pronounced grain patterns, while others, like maple or birch, have a more subtle grain. The finish you choose should enhance and highlight the natural beauty of the wood’s grain and color.

2. Hardness and durability

Some wood species, such as oak or walnut, are naturally harder and more durable than others. If you have a high-traffic area or expect your floors to endure heavy wear and tear, you’ll want to choose the best finish for your hardwood floors that provides superior protection and durability.

3. Gloss level

The gloss level of a finish refers to its shine or sheen. Different wood species can look different with varying levels of gloss. For example, a high-gloss finish may enhance the richness of a dark wood species, while a matte or satin finish may be more suitable for a lighter wood species.

4. Maintenance and upkeep

Consider the level of maintenance and upkeep required for different finishes on different wood species. Some finishes may require more frequent reapplication or special care to maintain their appearance and protect the wood.

5. Personal preference

Ultimately, your personal taste and style should play a role in choosing a finish for your hardwood floors. Consider the overall aesthetic you want to achieve in your space and choose the best finish for your hardwood floors that aligns with your vision.

Should You Seek Professional Advice and Recommendations for the Best Finish for Your Hardwood Floors?

When it comes to choosing the best finish for your hardwood floors, seeking professional advice and recommendations can be incredibly helpful.

While there are plenty of resources available online and in home improvement stores, consulting with a professional in the field can provide you with expert insights and ensure that you make the best decision for your specific flooring needs.

One of the main benefits of seeking professional advice is the knowledge and experience that these experts bring to the table. They have a deep understanding of different types of finishes, their application processes, and how they will interact with your specific hardwood flooring. They can assess the condition of your floors, take into consideration factors like foot traffic, pets, and humidity levels, and recommend the most suitable finish for your needs.

Additionally, professionals can provide you with personalized recommendations based on your preferences and desired outcomes. They can guide you through the various options available, such as oil-based finishes, water-based finishes, or polyurethane finishes, and explain the pros and cons of each. They can also help you determine the level of sheen or gloss that will best complement your décor and lifestyle.

Another advantage of seeking professional advice is that it can save you time and money in the long run. By avoiding costly mistakes or selecting the wrong finish, you can prevent the need for reapplication or refinishing sooner than necessary. Professionals can also provide you with tips on how to properly maintain and care for your finished hardwood floors, ensuring their longevity and durability.

Ultimately, while it is possible to research and choose the best finish for your hardwood floors on your own, the expertise and guidance of a professional can make a significant difference in achieving the desired outcome. Their knowledge, personalized recommendations, and potential cost savings make seeking professional advice a worthwhile investment when it comes to selecting the best finish for your hardwood floors.

Tri Point Flooring has a team of experienced professionals who can offer you comprehensive advice and guidance on the best finish for your hardwood floors needs. Contact us today to learn more.

The Cost of Hardwood Floor Installation: What to Expect

The Cost of Hardwood Floor Installation: What to Expect 2560 1703 Roberto

Hardwood floors are a timeless and elegant addition to any home. However, the cost of installation can often be a deterrent for homeowners considering this upgrade. If you’re wondering what to expect when it comes to the cost of hardwood floor installation, you’re in the right place.

The Cost of Hardwood Floor Installation

Whether you’re looking to transform your living room or upgrade your entire home, read on to discover the factors that influence the cost of hardwood floor installation and gain valuable insights into what you can expect to pay for this stunning home improvement project.

What are the Factors that Determine the Cost of Hardwood Floor Installation?

There are several factors that determine the cost of hardwood floor installation. Understanding these factors can help you better estimate and plan for the expenses involved in installing hardwood floors in your home.

1. Type of hardwood

The type of hardwood you choose will have a significant impact on the overall cost of hardwood floor installation. Different types of hardwood have varying prices per square foot. Exotic hardwoods, such as Brazilian cherry or mahogany, tend to be more expensive than domestic hardwoods like oak or maple.

2. Quality and grade of hardwood

Within each type of hardwood, there are different grades and qualities available. Higher-quality and grade hardwood will typically cost more. Factors like the finish, texture, and durability of the hardwood will influence the price.

3. Area to be covered

The size of the area where the hardwood floor will be installed is another crucial factor in determining the cost of hardwood floor installation. Larger areas will require more materials and labor, resulting in higher installation costs. Additionally, irregularly shaped rooms or areas with many corners and angles may require more precise cutting and installation, which can increase the overall cost of hardwood floor installation.

4. Subfloor condition

The condition of the existing subfloor can impact the cost of installation. If the subfloor needs repairs or leveling before the hardwood can be installed, it will add to the overall cost. Similarly, removing old flooring materials, such as carpet or tile, may also increase the cost.

5. Installation method

There are different installation methods for hardwood floors, including nail-down, glue-down, or floating. Each method has its own requirements and associated costs. Nail-down installation tends to be the most common and cost-effective method, while glue-down or floating installations may be more expensive.

6. Additional features and customization

If you want to add extra features or customize your hardwood floors, such as inlays, borders, or unique patterns, it will increase the cost of hardwood floor installation. These additional features require more labor and expertise, which will be reflected in the overall price.

7. Location and accessibility

The location of your home and its accessibility can also affect the cost. If your home is in a remote area or has limited access, it may require additional transportation and labor costs.

What are the Additional Costs to Consider for Hardwood Floor Installation?

When planning for hardwood floor installation, it’s important to consider the additional costs that may arise. While the cost of materials and labor are the main expenses, there are several other factors that can contribute to the overall cost of the project.

One additional cost to consider is the removal and disposal of the existing flooring. If you have carpet, laminate, or tile flooring that needs to be removed before installing hardwood, this can add to the total cost. The cost of removal will depend on the size of the area and the type of flooring being removed.

Trim and molding are also additional costs to consider. The cost of trim and molding will depend on the type of material and the complexity of the installation.

Lastly, it’s important to consider the cost of any additional services or upgrades you may want for your hardwood floor installation. This could include things like staining or sealing the hardwood, adding in-floor heating, or installing a moisture barrier.

How Can You Budget for Hardwood Floor Installation?

Budgeting for hardwood floor installation is an essential step to ensure that you can afford this home improvement project. By carefully planning and estimating the costs involved, you can avoid any financial surprises along the way. Here are some key steps to help you budget for hardwood floor installation.

1. Research the Average Costs

Start by researching the average costs of hardwood floor installation in your area. Prices can vary depending on factors such as the type of hardwood, the size of the area to be covered, and the complexity of the installation. Look for reliable sources such as local contractors or online resources to get a general idea of the cost range.

2. Measure the Area

Measure the area where you plan to install hardwood flooring. This will help you determine the quantity of materials needed, such as hardwood planks, underlayment, and adhesive. Knowing the exact measurements will also allow you to get accurate quotes from contractors or suppliers, which is essential for estimating the cost of hardwood floor installation.

3. Consider Additional Expenses

In addition to the cost of hardwood floor installation materials, there might be other expenses to consider. These can include labor costs if you plan to hire professionals for the installation, delivery fees for the materials, removal, and disposal of existing flooring, and any necessary repairs. Make a list of all potential expenses to get a comprehensive budget estimate.

4. Get Multiple Quotes

Reach out to different contractors or suppliers and request quotes for the hardwood floor installation. Be clear about the specifications of the project and ask for a breakdown of costs. Comparing multiple quotes will help you find the best deal and identify any significant price differences that may require further investigation into the cost of hardwood floor installation.

5. Set a Contingency Fund

It’s always wise to set aside a contingency fund when budgeting for home improvement projects. Unexpected issues or changes during the installation process can arise, requiring additional expenses. Aim to allocate around 10-20% of your total budget as a contingency fund to ensure you’re prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

6. Prioritize and Plan

If your budget is limited, consider prioritizing certain areas or rooms for hardwood floor installation. You can start with high-traffic areas or rooms that will have the greatest impact on your home’s aesthetics. This way, you can still achieve your desired outcome while staying within your budget constraints and managing the cost of hardwood floor installation.

Tri Point Flooring is a leading provider of hardwood flooring services in North Carolina. We specialize in the installation and refinishing of hardwood floors, providing top-notch results at competitive prices. Contact us today to learn more about our services and get a free quote!

Choose Wood Flooring • Details to Help You Decide

Choose Wood Flooring • Details to Help You Decide 999 665 Roberto

When you need to choose wood flooring for your home, it is easy to lose yourself in the number of options. You also have multiple considerations to think about, depending on each room’s traffic and use. Below, we look at the five most popular wood flooring materials and the pros and cons of each.

Wood Flooring

Nothing is as classic as hardwood flooring. It is durable, natural, and warm. It is also suited to a wide range of decors, thanks to the many woods and finishes available on the market today. Because hardwoods last so long and are easily refinished by the pros, you cannot go wrong if you choose wood flooring.

Where things get difficult is in making your final selections from oak, cherry, or other species. You also need to decide upon your plank style, parquet, or other designs. Will you install your own prefinished planks or have the pros do the work for you? To choose wood flooring made of real hardwood, it is usually best to seek advice from the experts at TriPoint Flooring for your Raleigh area home.

Luxury Vinyl Planks

If you want to choose wood flooring that most closely resembles natural hardwoods but is less expensive, today’s luxury vinyl plank flooring is your best option.

Luxury vinyl planks consist of wood-based materials topped with a vinyl photographic image of your ideal hardwood species, then a protective finish. This means you get the beauty of hardwoods with the durability of vinyl flooring. It can stand up to the everyday demands of pets, children, and other heavy traffic. On the downside, your senses notice the difference between luxury vinyl planks and real wood. LVP flooring does not feel or sound like real wood when you walk across it.

Engineered Hardwood Floors

Between natural hardwoods and luxury vinyl planks are engineered hardwood floors. Engineered hardwoods are made of several layers of plywood topped with a real hardwood veneer. They cost a bit more than luxury vinyl planks. But they have the authentic sound, look, and feel of real hardwoods that vinyl planks do not.

If you want to choose wood flooring for its authentic look and feel, but do not want the higher price tag of natural hardwoods, engineered hardwood floors are a great option. They enable you to have floors with all of the traditional wood appeal but on a budget. Even better, the pros can refinish your engineered hardwoods for an update at some point in their lifetime. This is an option not available for luxury vinyl planks.

Bamboo Flooring

Many people looking to choose wood flooring think bamboo is a real wood option. But this flooring is not from a tree. Instead, it is a woody grass. Still, it is a natural choice that offers exceptional strength, durability, and resistance to climate issues like swelling or contraction from humidity. In fact, bamboo has strength equivalent to steel.

As you choose wood flooring options, consider bamboo. These floors are pre-finished and engineered. The planks offer tongue-and-groove joints, making them as easy to install as standard engineered hardwoods. But bamboo forests only take up to five years to reach maturity as compared to hardwood forests requiring 120 years on average. This means that bamboo flooring is far more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Cork Flooring

Like bamboo, cork is an environmentally friendly option for people trying to choose wood flooring for their Raleigh area home. But unlike hardwood, cork feels cushioned underfoot. This woody material has a honeycomb cellular makeup that, besides being soft to stand on, absorbs sound and vibrations. It can actually make loud spaces quieter.

Cork flooring is also easy to install. It comes in pre-finished, nonslip tiles ideal for any room, even wet ones like the kitchen or bathroom. You can choose wood flooring made of cork in a wide range of finishes, too.

Tri Point Flooring Will Help You Choose Wood Flooring

The experts at Tri Point Flooring in Cary, NC will help you choose wood flooring to ensure you make the decisions that best suit your home, lifestyle and décor. We can make the whole process less intimidating and easier. Call us today at (919) 771-7542 for a free in home consultation.

4 Approaches To Refresh Your Hardwood Floors

4 Approaches To Refresh Your Hardwood Floors 1000 682 Roberto

Are your hardwood floors looking dull and scuffed? These signs of everyday use are bound to occur in even the tidiest of households. In fact, you likely enjoy having hardwoods because of their durability and how they stand up to decades of foot traffic. But at some point in time, even the best maintained flooring needs a facelift. Below, we explore the best methods to refresh your hardwood floors and make them look newer again.

Obviously, your best approach to make your hardwood floors look new longer is to properly maintain them from the start. When your hardwoods are installed or refinished by Tri Point Flooring, we are happy to provide tips for keeping your floors looking their best.

Refresh Your Hardwood Floors Via:

  • Thoroughly Cleaning
  • New Topcoat
  • Buff & Polish
  • Completely Sand Down & Refinish

Give Your Hardwood Flooring A Deep Cleaning

A thorough cleaning is one of the best ways to refresh your hardwood floors. To be thorough, such a cleaning involves removing all of the furniture and rugs from the room. Of course, you should never drag furniture or textiles across the floor. Doing so can scratch, scuff or dull your floor’s finish.

A good vacuuming will pick up loose dirt, dust and debris. After vacuuming, use a hardwood floor cleaner made specifically for floors like yours. It is important to note that damp mopping or wet mopping with water will damage your hardwood floor finish. Many people think that mopping is key to make your hardwood floors look new again. But instead, doing so adds a haze to the finish.

New Topcoat Could Be A Game Changer

When merely cleaning will no longer make your hardwood floors look new again, you need a better solution. Your next go-to method to refresh your hardwood floors is application of a fresh topcoat. Your Tri Point Flooring pros can quickly and easily provide a new finish for your hardwood floors to roll back time and make them look their best.

If you feel the urge to DIY this project, you will have some work to do. First remove the floor finish using extra-fine steel wool. After sweeping away the residue, use a fine brush to apply a fresh finish. You need to also wipe away excess finish before allowing it to dry. Finally, after the finish dries, use a soft, lint-free cloth to buff and make your hardwood floors look new again.

It is important to note that doing this work yourself can certainly refresh your hardwood floors. But if the flooring and its finish are under warranty, doing so on your own will void the policy. It is generally better to call upon the experts to do this work for you if you have recently installed hardwood floors or engineered hardwoods.

Buff and Polish Technique to Refresh Your Hardwood Floors

If you want to try an easier and less laborious method to refresh your hardwood floors instead of replacing the finish, consider the buff and polish technique. You can choose to rent or buy your own buffer machine and buffing pads if you have many rooms of hardwoods and want to do-it-yourself. Or you can call upon the pros of Tri Point Flooring to do this work for you.

The first step in buffing hardwood floors is to thoroughly clean dirt, dust and debris from the surfaces. Even the tiniest of debris can scuff or scratch your floors during the buffing process. Before buffing, apply polish to small sections of the floor. Then work this polish in with the buffer in circular movements from one part of the room to the next. Again, if your hardwood floors are under factory warranty, doing the work yourself will void that coverage.

Sand and Refinish to Totally Refresh Your Hardwood Floors

If you want to totally turn back the hands of time on your hardwoods, sanding and refinishing will do the trick. You can even change the stain or finish as part of this process, for a whole new look. But this is not a DIY project. Most people need to hire the pros like those of Tri Point Flooring to do this work for them.

If you want to refresh your hardwood floors, call upon the experts of Tri Point Flooring. Our pros can assess your wood surface and finish quality and determine which method can make your hardwood floors look new again. Call us at (919)771-7542 for appointment scheduling.

    Our Service Area Includes:

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    Raleigh NC
    Apex NC
    Chapel Hill NC

    Hours of Operation:

    Monday • 8:00am-6:00pm
    Tuesday • 8:00am-6:00pm
    Wednesday • 8:00am-6:00pm
    Thursday • 8:00am-6:00pm
    Friday • 8:00am-6:00pm

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